In moments of crisis and transformation, we have to hold to the spiritual power.

Faith is to accept and to believe in good, not simply that it will come from above, but rather that it is in our heart, in our will and in our hands.

Faith has to be active, because God is present in this moment, and the way that He is present is not in paradise or in a distant cloud, but in our determination of peace and love, abundance and happiness.

There is something important to remember today and always: Good comes from respect, justice and compassion toward all beings of the universe.

Every new day should be of victory, of achievement, of overcoming, transformation, reconciliation and forgiveness; and what is more important: 
God truly works in our heart, because there is only one way, because there is only one God, who is the God of love and peace. Beyond, there is only confusion and ignorance.

May we have the opportunity of being able to experience tenderness, mercy, friendship.
May we be able to give and receive sincere and unselfish affection, because all this will become a splendid and wonderful smile; and spiritual friendship will take place around us, which,  will laugh, live and sing, when good is manifested.

May you treasure, may you know Love,  in your path for the earth !

Teaching 20


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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