-If when I look at your eyes , I do not find mine , I will not re-open them ever .    

 -When the breath becomes two , the fact is that we are apart , then , I do not have a reason to breathe anymore .

-If your steps and my steps do not walk in the same footprint , then I will never reach my destiny.         

-If my dreams are not your reality and your dreams are not my reality , the fact is that I forgot how to live .

 -If you open your arms , I will be able to fly but if you close them I will go no place .

- In your voice I find the music, if you are silent, I will become deaf . 

--Depression is a lack, is the absence of the salt of the sea, of the shine of the moonlight and of a lonely and empty desert in the horizon where even the dust is neglected because nobody is going to step on it .

- Depression are the lips of the one who is already dead and in front of his beloved cannot even smile


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Art and Inspirational Writings created and copyrighted
 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

Mystic Healing Art-TM