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This message goes to every man and every woman, to every living being on the face of the earth.

Life, as we all know is wonderful, so much, that we often forget this reality, until suddenly life teaches us that the wonder can be lost, corrupted, destroyed, become exhausted and stop being wonderful and fantastic. Then, perhaps it will be too late and without a possible comeback. And in that minute of loss, heaven and earth open at the same time. And we will ask ourselves, how is it possible that we have not taken good care and protected something so important ?

Before going to extremes, let's take action, to improve, to discover, to appreciate our environment and our own humanity.

The environment -we included- is actually everything, that not only surrounds us but also sustains, preserves, contains and maintains us. We have got used -mistakenly- to have a certain sense of responsibility to what we have in front of us. But look around and you will see what arrogance has done to our main source of sustenance and stability. As we poison the planet, so we poison ourselves too. But the true man increasingly looks until he sees no frontiers.

It is time for humanity to remember the Truth because we are here to nurture the planet and be nurtured in return.

It is time to see a bigger picture, it is time to go back to our role as caretakers of this wonderful world.

Mystic Healing Art's vision is to show as many people as possible a deeply understanding of their connection to the Divine Source. This knowledge has to come from within.
And this site offers assistance to those who wish to seek it in finding the way.

Allow us to assist you in the Spiritual Awakening.

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