This term shows the existence of spiritual aspects, easy to confuse and interpret. And is urgently needed to define these aspects, with primordial, fundamental and besides, unique qualities.  They appear to be twin brothers, but are different as light and shadow, as good and evil. There are great and antagonizing aspects found between faith and fanaticism, which is absolute, authoritarian and cruel, most of the times.

There is something fundamental concerning faith: Faith is sustained on a spiritual doctrine, which is not human and can only be achieved by spiritual grace, given by the Creator, but is necessary for man to deeply reflect and to experience by virtue of prayer and action. 

Faith, never contradicts the fundamental doctrine of Love and peace, and everything that is in the name of God, is always sacred and deeply merciful. There is no spirit of death, violence or destruction in faith, since it fulfills each of the dispositions of life.

Faith is evident redemption of spiritual clarity, sustained in the love of God, always merciful, wise, just. There is no death, in the name of God, only life. The ones who say otherwise, they practice a different faith, their God is not of Love. The opposite of this faith, is not lack of faith, but is faith based on a personal, selfish vision, which takes man to erroneously think that has power and total right to do justice with the power of his hands.

To live and to die, are absolute events of life, but their power is not in the will of man, but in the will of God, who will know better what to do. It is not right for man to play God. And to kill with impunity, in the name of God is sacrilege and anathema.

Not everyone knows God, as they should. And here, fanaticism is unfold, as overpowering vision, who makes the persons feel absolute and perfect and even owners of the life of others.

The great difference, and distance between light and shadow, is that faith is based on Love and fanaticism is a cult to the person and as such is selfish passion, that can only be compared to addiction, death and horror. There is no wisdom in  darkness, only pain, resentment, ignorance, desperation, but Love looks for understanding.

And we can ask ourselves: What is the reason for lack of faith and excess of fanaticism in the world? The answer is very simple: When we try to find God, we have to reciprocate with our fellow beings. Let's respect differences and let's appreciate the opposites and let's always look for good expressed as a feeling of unity.

Darkness is fanaticism, has thirst of revenge, of power and false glory.
God loves justice and He makes it, if necessary. Man is not called to be death executor, but to cultivate peace. Here is the great difference between light and darkness, between faith and fanaticism.


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