It seems that all the teachings get to be very comprehensible when read or listened to, however, living them, implies, a much more complex process.

Love, is the only thing that is able of transforming man's conscience. Nothing can excel its power and capacity but it is required a lot of depth in the conscience. 

It is necessary to know why we make things, but with a knowledge that is not a cold calculation, but which really is sensitive and tender.

We all wait for this miracle of life and with this, we must leave behind much of the selfishness and spiritual ignorance.

Nothing holds the one who loves, nobody limits his love neither his superior desire towards good; because Love is trust that is established, that is renewed. Because it believes with certainty in the loved one. And at the same time accepts the loved one and opens the heart without doubts, then allowing the soul to rise with all its power and grace up to the celestial heights where it is known, where it is understood, the reason of peace.

The Unconditional Love is the tender love to peace; is the confidence placed in universal good that always is, the absolute reason that shows the spirit to his whole and highest expression.

Teaching  7


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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