The awakening to the real consciousness is given, when there is no evil or selfishness characteristics in the mind. This is the pure mind,  sensitive and receptive to divine life.

In this superior condition of the conscience, there are no causes, neither reasons, that can afflict the reasoning or the understanding.

Here, there are comprehension and sensibility that vastly flow, as an ocean of constant happiness and understanding towards all in existence, because this is a state of perfection, where loving is completely natural.

This is the cause of the spiritual life, that is to say, to live in the proclamation of  universal good, without the restriction of evil in any of its forms. And this is because the satisfaction of the conscience is in the serenity, that, in turn, rests in a true God, who gives us the reason of life.

Thus, we see the work of good in all in existence and there is no fear neither confusion, but on the contrary, there is strength, confidence and clarity of ideas and feelings, since, the universal good, is truly a feeling that belongs to us, which gives satisfaction, and makes, that we overcome doubt, and have peace.

Let's begin with this reflection: If we all make the effort of being just and of persevering in Love, then, violence will never exist.
What a great certainty, what a deep vision of life and beautiful reality, is presented to us!

Teaching  8


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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