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How can we see what's invisible?  How can we understand the incomprehensible? There is an understanding that the reasoning can't offer because it is beyond time and that is why, we are not able to conceive it. How to understand, by example, the mystery of  death? The solitary flight of a bird in the blue sky or the persistent navigation of a star in the firmament ? There are hidden secrets even under the stones, but even more complex are the hidden secrets in our own heart. To be able to understand is necessary to overcome the arrogance of  our own understanding .
Not everything is tangible and  concrete as a tree and a mountain. There  are subtle languages of the profound thought or of the heart, and to understand, we need to meditate in silence, navigating in the sea of stillness and wait all night long, only with the soul, until daylight arrives giving light to our eyes.
But, all this will be only possible, when we discover that not everything is science, not everything is concrete consciousness, there is much more besides of what we can see or  we can touch.  Reasoning is blind and the superior understanding requires of the cultivation of the vast perception of the spiritual heart.  Let's see not only with the eyes and let's understand not only with the analysis and then, we will be able to understand about the sun,  about the mystery of man  in his journey towards eternity and we will awake to Divine Intuition.


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