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As the sun does not go wrong or forgets his course. As the flower, awaits, as faithful lover the arrival of the light, and opening its petals, meets him, without modesty, giving in as the first time, the only time, the eternal time. As the river looks for the sea, and does not stop until joining together.
There are simple and profound things, that we see, that we know, that we contemplate every day, but many times, we don't pay attention to their importance in life.
There is a cause, a motive, a reason,  for everything, that makes the heart feel restless, and calls our attention when we truly want to know about the reality in distant worlds or dimensions, where the stars are created, or about here on earth, where the trees grow, where life moves, where man exists, where life acquires for us, the most complete dimension. What could motivate the infinite, to follow his path, as if embracing new spaces? To discover and to know, even for an instant, the answer to so many things.!
We certainly, are not born by chance, but from the profound mystery, that has made us, into a melting pot of races and which are conceived as only one specie, as only one humanity, which sleeps in the arms of a giant, who embraces her. And he is the time, who is craftsman of existence itself, who motivates man to feel love, to desire, to want, to be a mixture of forces and powers, which can't contain and which need to face each day with renewed illusion and vehement devotion. The one who is alive, knows it, because he loves life, because not even for an instant can separate reality from his dreams, since his soul is potency with the thirst of learning, of discovering more, and also of flowing, navigating the seas of life with a feeling of belonging to this wonderful life.
I feel the warmth in my skin, and experience, the path, the walking, the taste, the aroma. Life motivates me to live, to understand, to be,  but not only about what I can become, but also about everything: a universe to live,  a life to realize.
Life is constant motivation, a journey in the infinite, where I would like to embrace the whole earth, even the skies, I want to reach.  My breath, motivates me as fire extending through my veins, because I awake to the communion with everything in existence. Because life is a dream and a happy awakening, and also is the meeting with the people I love, and is to feel them as my own skin. Life is beautiful and even if death, would come, life would never be gloomy because she lets me know the meaning of been and awakening. There is no real separation between matter and spirit, is an integral good, a continuity, a flowing, while eternally the same being.  Because, the soul, the body and the spirit, are not and will not be many universes that separate them, they are as hands and fingers, apparently they are different but united among them and inseparable as the lips and a kiss.
The spirit is the breath, the body is the movement and the reason is where all share, where what seems different, becomes one. Life is a constant vibration that shares without measure in the consciousness of a divine love.
I don't run away from anything, I assume everything, I surrender to everything. Does the sky resent the blue of the sea? On the contrary, he is as the sun reflecting its golden color in the sunflower. Because spirit and matter are not two separate forces and the soul is the dwelling forever. How to separate love from the beloved and how to separate, from the dreams, its fantasy and candor?
Life motivates for its mystery and for its charm and man, by touching the earth,  certainly is a mystery, and he is in the center of creation because his own mystery is his breath made flesh, his presence made form and his substance. Creation motivates me to life itself, which I love and will love forever.


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