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Love is not selfish because  he doesn't have frontiers because he self renews everyday, because his power and strength will never be found in violence but on the contrary is found in sensibility and in tenderness.     


Life can't subsist if we don't treasure the inner world because if the heart beats, it is because it has a reason and this is the secret where God's sweet smile always lives in.


The horizon of the child's view is always pure without judgment or malice, but sincerity and happiness. Each and everyone of us have been born with this power and wisdom. Let's only extend our hands and express what the spirit has given us from the beginning.
May the fullness of our effort and work be filled above all, with humility and service, and then we will understand hope, faith and happiness and in this way we will realize the inner child.


To the ones that Love want to know: Let's not allow anything to separate us from the path that takes us to Love, since it is not only a path of understanding and tolerance, but also of courage and essence, of fragrance, of sweetness that can't be contained.
Each life that is born and reborn brings the word of God made man. There is not another destiny that to be light, to change the darkness and death and by returning to our foundation we see before ourselves as the whole universe is renewed.
Let's thank and let's embrace the whole life and in a single instant we will understand eternity.


There is no experience as real as the experience of love and this is something that we have heard for a long time, but what does it really mean? When we are able to give everything, is because we have truly realized life's meaning. This is self explanatory since the knowledge was reached by the experience.
Let's reflect about this and we will find the motivation and in this way we will find the path to eternity.


Life is a process of discovery and self knowledge, nevertheless, there is real, lasting knowledge and other that is only transitory.
The difference is in its fundamental essence, that is to say, the spiritual is the permanent and lasting. And to reach this wealth we have to be totally conscious of the present. If we don't take this to meditation, it may appear as a superficial or irrelevant advice, but in meditation it reaches its true proportion it is then when we discover and value, then, we can learn. We should look with the due depth and then we will find an extraordinary knowledge.


Enlightenment, consists on been reborn in a conscious way, where every instant is the present. To be able to understand this kind of realization, we need to know ourselves, and to know ourselves, we need to realize the art of the inner smile, and only by been capable of experiencing the reality of Love, we will be able to awaken to the present.


Why is it said that true love has no limits and that is eternal, constant and always renewed? Is the human heart, capable of knowing what eternity is, or somehow, understanding it? Millennial teachings, tell us about enlightenment and eternity, and it seems as an impossible trip, so full of mysteries that one single life, is not enough. But, the answer is much simpler, because, truth is more eminent, and certainly, because, love is constant, eternal and permanent, when we can't be conditioned, and this means:
Total surrender. We will, then, see  the splendor of the last experience of the conscience, but, before, we have to leave everything and not as someone who abandons and renounces, but as the one, who gathers everything in his own being, and this means, purity and loyalty, and then, to open the door of the mystery in ourselves. And love, as supreme authority of absolute compassion, plays with its wisdom, allowing us, to reach the fullness of life itself. The perfect instant in which man, with no selfishness left, will have been born to Truth, for Truth, of the perfect Love in eternity itself.


The power and the strength, form the capacity of accomplishing things, of making the dreams come true and this is different from confusion and uncertainty, that consist in making dreams out of the reality. It is paradoxical, as the inverse or opposite of the same creative force may have such a different result.
The study of the human conscience shows that we are beings with great sensibility and with a great capacity to experience the reality, that is to say, the real and actual control of our life, but this is possible when we have real goals, and when our life is right and affirmative in order and in good.
The child dreams and wishes that what he evokes in his mind and heart becomes tangible but the one who dies, -the old one of many days- wants to move away from reality and return to his dreams. Here, there is an important space of meditation and wisdom. If we want to reach the summits of a superior life and  integral success, let's dream to develop and to experiment in life's play. Another paths would be of death and desolation. There is nothing as powerful as a convinced mind, an avid spirit and a dream to make it come true.



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