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I am an eternal seeker of truth and have read many books on the topic. One day, I looked at other books on the same subject and after reviewing them, I realized that they showed different opinions. I also noticed that as much the science as the conscience, say one thing, one day; and tomorrow , they say the opposite. By example, they first say, what a great man, what a great work and after, they say, he was a dictator; and tomorrow they say something else. Or they say, he was a philosopher, a mystic, a saint, but the very next day, they say that he was crazy, insane and that he was a dreamer. Then, how to put the world : right or the other way around? Sometimes, I have seen a great empire to grow and then, everybody to destroy it and nothing is left. Could it be that man is like that? He goes from adoration to hatred, from praising to despising. Then, I do not know whom to believe.
What yesterday was good for the health, today kills you in a moment. What has happened? Could it be that the science is walking on its head? Are the politics, the economy as crabs? It has being a long time and they always repeat the same: that life will get better, that we will have peace instead of violence, that hunger will disappear, that the war will end, that we will not have more disease. I believed them, as well as most humanity.
What happened with the diseases? Well, now they are even worse, horrible, they have no solution. And if we talk about peace, every new day, there is less. I am not talking between the countries, I mean in the homes. There are more physical, psychological, economic and social wars.
 I ponder, will it be an insolence, a foolishness, a madness, to call sanity to a peace that comes from violence? Each day, a child receives the wrong information, which at the end of the day, could create , confusion bitterness and madness in his heart.  What are we offering, feeding him?  Are we making the children, pornographic, violent, bitter, insolent, depraved? I want to make an stop here and would like to ask you and to ask myself about what kind of world are we living in? What is this supposed social progress turning into? The world is the same for all, some with abundance, others with misery, but they all suffer the same history. And since I wanted to know the truth, I think that the great truth in humanity should not be called truth but by its more complex and right name, which is more clear and defines it better. The supposed progress and great achievements, which would help man to become better: The majority are only lies.


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