Q: How to help a person feeling suicidal ?
A: The persons with suicidal ideas or attitudes must receive professional care immediately and not lose time speculating . A process of crisis requires of a firm and consistent attitude since waiting could be too late . Besides , is necessary to work on aspects like depression , acceptance and methodology of the inner life , to be able to find and develop trust and self esteem among many aspects . The rejection of life means wrong and selfish concepts and feelings related to the most beautiful condition of being : Life .

Q: Is it possible to be reincarnated , not from persons , but from a bird , a flower ?
A: It is not possible to be reincarnated from other species since the creative divine act established each species as such . Men will not become flowers or another species . Besides , there is no change of gender . A man is not man in one life and woman in the next . God creates making the differences : Man will be man and woman will be woman .


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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