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If we could reach Peace through war, then
 the cemetery would be a place to enjoy. But, this is not the case. Death surrounds humanity, lately, as a powerful spider extending its web, trying to catch everything. And the only thing that obtains is to foment violence.
If the terrorism continues, there will be  no peace in the world. It does not matter, where it comes from, neither the flag or region.
 God will never be on the side of murder. How can the lives of innocents be destroyed with impunity?
 If there are angels, they will cry. And if there are demons, they will rejoice. But the order of existence is not like that. Death, never shows good.

We all must take care of life, and it does not matter, where or whose. Each human being is our father, is our mother, our brother, our son, our friend, for all eternity. To attack an innocent and to make him, our victim is the same,  as if our right arm would blind our right eye. There is no victory, there is no glory. 
 The culture of death will never be right because if man rises against man, then, where is God? He dwells in peace, in compassion, justice, harmony, progress. In the delicate care, in the communion of people, in the union based on respect, even for the greatest differences.
How can I pray if my hands are stained with blood? What a great pain for the one who suffers the loss of a loved one, assassinated by a cruel hand, by fanaticism, that is very far from being justice, order and balance. And here is a humble advice:  For the one who wants to reach victory, even glory.  He must begin with himself. And then, to elevate his heart to grow in love towards the whole world.
 Let's humbly kneel and pray to God because He sees what is in our hearts. And He puts the seeds of decisions in man, that are not for killing, neither to hurt nor to damage. But to share friendship, loyalty, sincerity and the effort for a better world.
But, what are we going to do today with our streets filled with blood, with our divided families and with our dead? This is not the path, nor the destiny of humanity. We are not blood thirsty beasts. We are not beings, born from hell, trying to give pain, bitterness and anguish.  We are creatures, brothers of the earth and the sky. With a commitment and a primordial reason. We are the great human family who reclaim a true and lasting peace.
God will strengthen our hearts and He will take us to the real victory, not with the force of violence and destruction, but by the power of justice and by the Love that eternally God is, now and forever.


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