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We will study in this occasion the meaning of what are usually known as symbols, signs and forces of power. The spiritual path may seem extensive with doctrines, philosophies, cults and religions, who promise spiritual missions. And going to the specific point, we can see esoteric rites  about discovering the power of the inner animal and this issue can be confused and interpreted in the wrong way.
Man, is above the animal and he has the spiritual responsibility of taking care, guiding, even loving and protecting the animals. He can clearly find beautiful analogies of strength, sensuality, sensibility,  etc. in them. The lion symbolizes a king. Among the insects, an ant symbolizes hard work, diligence. And all this emulates an  inner power. It is true that the animals live in the  world. And we also do. Their behavior is natural, spontaneous, decided, noble and many times is commendable. But is very important to realize that esoteric doctrines that defend the name, animal of power, may be confused and don't understand. The animal is not above man. The animal does not strengthen me.  I can take the symbol, interpret it  but it does not give me anything spiritual. This does not mean that its affection and surrender, does not motivate me. But what must be very clear is that its spirit does not incorporate with mine to give me strength and  spiritual wisdom.
I don't mean that I can't learn or recognize their noble attributes : How not to appreciate the freedom of the birds, the happiness of the dolphins jumping in the sea. The wonderful web of the spiders.
Of  course that I can find a lot to contemplate and wonder. But I understand that this is God's creation.  And they are creatures and not gods.
I will not incline in front of a bull, or tiger or bear or whatever animal could be.  I will admire them as creatures created by God. I will enjoy their presence and will take care of their  habitat. But there is no animal with spiritual power. The power is not in them, it is in the Creator.


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