To be able to understand about love
 is necessary to experience it
with our whole being .
Not only with the heart
with the mind and the body .
But also
love has to go above itself .
Love should not be limited
and should never be conditioned .
Love has to be spontaneous
fresh and renovated .
And full of a loyal and ardent
commitment .
Love has to be pure , candid
but intense and passionate
at the same time .
Love has to be whole and balanced
total and sensitive .
And why not say it ?
Love has to give from itself
so much
that it unites
itself with the beloved .
In this way
the morning receives
the daylight
and the darkness of the night
dissipates .
Love is like this ,
it discovers , reveals ,
shows , teaches
and always and on each case
surrenders with humility .
But it has the strength of the sea
the potency of lightning
and the tenderness of a flower .
Love is more that words .
It rules among feelings
and passions
but it also elevates
from the all and the nothing .
Love is not only a kiss ,
love is every day's kiss
is every instant's kiss
which always lives
in the heart
of the one who loves
and in the heart of the beloved.


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Art and Inspirational Writings created and copyrighted
 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

Mystic Healing Art-TM