Your look stands out above all and shines as the sun ; even the flowers are captivated with your beauty  and the sky expands with your  sole presence . There is in your skin , tenderness of  petal ,  sweetness of honey and the texture of silk . Your lips are  insatiable fountain of passion and your figure is warmth that agitates my heart . But , if all this , was love of the senses , time would blow it away as a sand castle .

Passion of the senses is unrestrained fire , column of fire , rough sea , but , you have to be more , much more , than desire and passion , you are the cause of my dawn , you are the reason of my dreaming , the first and the last step of my path , because you are my goal , the total union , without distinction and separation , true love that exceeds attraction , something truly gigantic in my consciousness and my heart , which, can revive to unimaginable tenderness , since is not contained within any limit .

Because true love is not a passing fruit , neither a voice , who enchants  today and is over tomorrow . But is dew of the morning and light of the stars , which always shines , even in the narrowest darkness .
True love recognizes that the spirit has the depth of the sea and the sky . Nothing can be deeper than the feeling and the knowledge , than there is nothing in this world as splendid and real as your presence , which is so natural , so divine and tender .


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Art and Inspirational Writings created and copyrighted
 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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