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The spiritual and material lives are not two but they always have been and will be one. The material wealth and the spiritual wealth must not be different since because of truth, they come from the same source and the inspiration must always be based on service and charity.
That is the reason the wealth is also prosperity in every sense since the importance of the heart has to be measured and if there is work and effort, they will always have fruits; and is not that there is human kingdom and another divine but that the human must always be hold to the divine.
The universe has been created in extraordinary abundance, where abundance is the real purpose but of course, this does not mean wasting or greed. The true man is not greedy, he knows how to adjust to reality and how to control and put order to his impulses. He understands that life is a fertile, generous, benign, field that requires of care, respect and intelligence. Thus, let's think, let's meditate, let's act always in an honest way, trying to improve for our own good and for the others, because the miracle of giving and receiving is based on this.
When there is dedication and consistent quality, then, success will arrive, by applying the commitment of high efficiency in life, in every aspect, and there will not be lack but abundance; and this term clearly means that all our noble expectations will be satisfied and that we will always be able to give without pettiness but with great affection, just as if we were doing it for us. But certainly the great works are also defined and determined efforts in every detail and in every moment of our lives.
 Of mountains and plains, of plentiful rivers and opposite deserts the face of the earth is formed and different points of view will show but the accomplishments and merits are not superficial. It is necessary to always give of oneself and this is the reason of giving and receiving.
If we can meditate on this, with sensibility, we will have the inspiration and reason for success today and forever.


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