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Spiritual honesty is the transparent look, that without arrogance and sumptuousness knows that it has a great power and authority. Few people know this: that the key that brings us near or moves us away from happiness is in us. And this expression of spiritual fullness is the unit of life. In truth, there are neither births nor deaths nor losses nor earnings, in eternity, but only the waves, the undulant movement of life that flows in itself. All form, all time, all space are gleams, reflections, echoes of the voice, of the immortal presence of the spirit who has not been born because it has always existed and because its transparency is one with the silence and the love who lives, who contemplates and who exists and remains always alive, as the love that in the creative play of manifesting and hiding, It makes as day and night,  sweet and salted, cold and extreme heat, which are extremes of the same essence who constantly lives in its own creation. 


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